If you are able to think of any interesting activities to do with our book of the week, Giraffes Can't Dance, then share them with us!
Here are some ideas for you to have a go at:
1) Create your own Jungle Dance. You will need to make decorations! What kind of jungle themed decorations could you make? Once you have decorated, think of some songs that would be good to play during the party! Finally, invite your family to the dance. You could even create invitations to give to people in your house telling them what is happening, the time it will start, what date and where!
2) You could learn a little bit about the history of dance!
Here is a fun video showing you what kind of dance moves would have been popular in different decads!
This video finishes before 2020. What dance moves do people do now?
3) Or you could just have a little dance with your favourite music. Remember dancing is a fun way of exercising! Here are some of the links to what we use when we are in school for P.E. warming or when it's wet play in class.
https://www.jumpstartjonny.co.uk/home (Scroll down on this page for 3 videos to follow!)
4) Can you do some research, with an adult, using the internet or book to find out facts about giraffes? You could present this information however you like. You could create a poster, make a video to tell us what you have found out or maybe you just want to type the information on to the computer!
The author of Giraffes Can't Dance is Giles Andreae. He wrote the story after a trip to Kenya! On a map or a globe you have in your house, with an adult, can you find where Wales is on the map and where Kenya is? There is a world map attached if you need it! Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCX3djSzoNk Can you find out more about the country? How is it similar / different to where you live? Watch this travel guide about Kenya for some ideas. You could make a fact file about Kenya. Craft - you could design an African necklace like the Masai Mara tribe wear.