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Week Commencing - 15.06.2020

Here are some ideas that you could do this week!

1) Make biscuits! Here is a good recipe to follow -

2) Create a new adventure either in your house or outside, for Luna and Logan! (See examples below).

3) Have a look at the following activity list. How many have you done? What ones could you do while you are at home or on your daily walk? I would love to see pictures of what adventures you get up to!


In the story, A Little Bit Brave, Logan and Lola end up going on an adventure. Attached below is an adventure map! Can you create one? You could make one up or you could make one based on your local area. On mine, I might include a duck pond, sand dunes (to roll down!), stepping stones, and a slide! What will you include in yours?
