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The Rainbow Fish


This week we will be focusing on the story 'The Rainbow Fish'. Read the story to your child or watch it on the following link. We hope you enjoy all the activities we have planned for you. 

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister

This story is about a beautiful glittering fish who learns to make friends by sharing his most prized possessions.

Jolly Phonics "a" Sounds


This week our phonic sound will be 'a'. Introduce this sound to your child. Can they find anything at home that starts with 'a'? Gather up several objects (some beginning with 'a' and some not). Ask your child to put together all the objects that begin with 'a'. If you fancy getting messy, let your child practise their 'a' formation in a tray or food bag using the ideas on our 'Themed Activities' page.

Counting to 10 and ordering numbers

Practise counting to 10 with your child at home. You can use the you tube videos below to help recite the numbers in the correct order. Write numbers 0 to 10 on individual pieces of paper and ask your child to order them on the floor starting with 0 up to 10. Cut out the fish on the sheet ask your child to order them correctly. 
