Remember to keep going over your tricky words that you've identified you need to work on from week ...
This week, your first sound is the 'ea' sound. The other way that we are used to writing this sound is 'ee'. Watch this video!
Make a list of the words that you can think of with the 'ea' sound in them. What 'ea' words can you find around your house? You can also practice writing the sound on its own, saying what it is out loud after each time you write it. How many 'ea's can you write in one minute? Remember to leave a little space between each one!
Can you choose 3 'ea' words to put in to sentences?
This week's spelling list - tea, heat, leaf, each, seaside, night, high, might, light, frightening
This week, your second sound is the 'igh' sound. The other way that we are used to writing this sound is 'ie' but can also be written as 'i_e' and 'y'.
I would like you to think of some words with the 'igh' sound in them. Get an adult to help you write them to see if they have the 'igh' spelling or not.
Write the following words onto separate flashcards, sound them out and decide whether they are real words or nonsense words. Once you have done this, choose 3 of the real words to put in to sentences.
high, sigh, righj, thigh, wighk, sight, bright, flight, glighp
This week's spelling list - tea, heat, leaf, each, seaside, night, high, might, light, frightening