Children receive 2 attendance marks per day: 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon.
Registers are closed at 9.15 every morning and at 1.25 each afternoon which means that everyone arriving after these times will be considered as an unauthorised absence for that session, unless the school has been previously informed.
Should your child arrive to school late (once the external doors have been closed) then you should bring them around to the Foyer where you can sign them in using our electronic sign in system. This will ensure they get their mark for the morning. (The classroom doors are shut on time to ensure the children's safety).
Pupils arriving after 8.55am will have a late mark (L Code) and for pupils arriving after the registers have been closed at 9.15am, they will receive a late after close of registration mark (U Code) but this still counts towards their attendance. Persistent lateness will result in referral to the Education Welfare Officer in line with Bridgend County Borough Council's attendance campaign 'Miss School, Miss Out'.
In the case of absence due to sickness, the school must be informed on the first day of absence in order for us to record the absence as authorised. This should be done by letter or telephone call to the school office. Where the absence or lateness is due to hospital visits, medical or dental appointments, the school must again be informed beforehand.
Holidays should be taken during periods of school holiday.
Pupils who are often absent from school will be reported to the Education Welfare Officer and appropriate action will be taken. All pupils are expected to achieve at least 67% attendance.