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Week Commencing - 27.04.2020


Make sure you are regularly practicing counting on and back in 1s from different starting points. This doesn't have to be during a maths session, it could be anytime of the day! It is also important to practice counting in 2s to 30 (or as high as possible), 5s to 50 and 10s to 100.

For this challenge, you have to count how many of each animal you can spot to work out the addition sums. If you think this is easy peasy lemon squeezy, then challenge yourself by counting in 2s instead of 1s. When you are counting each animal, you could even create a tally!
Remember to hold the biggest number in your head and count on using your fingers! (Alternatively, use a 100-square, a number line or blocks to support this activity when working out the answers.)


You are all getting very good at your number bonds to 10. You can use these to help you learn your number bonds to 20.
If 7 + 3 = 10, 17 + 3 = 20!
Can you work out the missing numbers?
You could do this piece of work by making two sets of number cards 0 - 20 and matching them up to make 20! Use the sheet below to help you if you need support. You could also do this by counting on from a number using your fingers until you get to 20 or using blocks, dried pasta, etc. to make the number bonds! There are example questions to use attached below but please feel free to make your own questions, unless of course, you would like to print them out.

Use this game that we play in class to recap on your number bonds to 10 and to learn your number bonds to 20! Let me know how many answers you can get in one minute. Remember to think about the answer rather than pressing all the numbers until you get the right one!


Looking at a 100-square, discuss what odd and even numbers are. Put a circle around or a counter on all the even numbers.
You can use 'MD3- odd&even1' powerpoint to help explain.

Can you write numbers 1-10 on individual squares of paper and sort them into a pile of odd numbers and a separate pile of even numbers?
(Use stones, blocks or dried pasta to help show that odd numbers have 'one left over' and even numbers 'have a mate'.)
Try this with selected numbers 11-20. 
Can you come up with a rule for odd and even numbers?
