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Pirates Love Underpants


This week all our activities are going to be based on the story 'Pirates Love Underpants'. Listen to the story and talk about your favourite part with your family. Would you like to be a pirate? Why / why not? 

Pirates Love Underpants

Would you like to be a pirate? 

If you were a pirate, what would be your name? Can you draw yourself as a pirate and write your pirate name underneath? Ask your grown up to help you sound out the words and write the sounds. 

Jolly Phonics "n" Sounds

Message in a bottle

Imagine that you are a pirate and have been ship wrecked on a desert island. How are you going to call for help? Can you write a message of help and put it in a bottle? Remember to say who and where you are. See if you can use any of your phonics to write familiar sounds when writing your letter. When you have finished, ask a grown up and they may have an empty bottle you could put it in. Make sure though you don't really put it in the sea as we don't want any more rubbish in our oceans! 

Walk the Plank

Pirates used to make people walk the plank. Set up a simple sea scene on the floor. Maybe you could use a blue sheet of fabric. You could even make some cardboard sharks to make it more realistic (see pictures below for ideas). Lay a piece of wood across the see (or a large strip of paper) to represent the plank. Write numbers 0 - 10 on individual pieces of paper and ask your child if they can order them correctly along the plank (the picture shows counting in 10s but we will use numbers 0 - 10 instead).  As they walk along the plank and step on each number, encourage them to say the number out loud. 
