Croeso i Dosbarth Ogwr
Class lead : Mrs Sage supported by Ms Gregory
LSO: Mrs Rayner
Class Information:
If you wish to speak with us please make contact via email or ring 01656 815660.
Ms Rowley (headteacher), Mr Richards (Deputy) and Mrs Farmer (Engagement Officer) are also available on the yard at the beginning and end of the day.
Porthcawl Primary School Curriculum
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Marvellous Me |
All creatures great and small |
Were we work, rest and play
Language, Literacy and Communication - to be announced
Autumn 1 | Spring 1 | Summer 1 |
Autumn 2 | Spring 2 | Summer 2 |
Mathematics and Numeracy
A wide variety of topics are covered including: to be announced
Number | Recognising numbers, counting to 10 What makes that number (subitising) , 1 more/1 less, ordering numbers |
Measurement | time length - longer and shorter, taller and shorter biggest smallest heaviest lightest money |
Shape | exploring 2d and 3d shape |
Data | block graphs |
Number facts and relationships between numbers are taught through Big Maths, Little Maths.
Ten town introduces each number at a time where children will learn how to form that number and how it is made (subitising).