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Space Stories - Literacy

This week our theme for our learning will be 'space'. There are lots of space related stories but below are a few of my favourites. Maybe you could listen to one each day and tell me which one is your favourite. 

The Darkest Dark By Chris Hadfield - Storytime Book Reading

Reading of The Darkest Dark written by Chris Hadfield, Astronaut. A fantastic story about a little boy who's scared of the dark, and overcomes his fear and b...

Whatever Next! (audio book version)

Sophie Thompson narrates Jill Murphy's all time classic, Whatever Next.

James McAvoy - 'The Dinosaur that Pooped' (CBeebies Bedtime Stories)

James McAvoy reads The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet and takes us on a space adventure with Danny and Dinosaur.

Aliens Love underpants - Books Alive! Read Aloud book for kids

Books Alive! Read aloud Claire Freedman and Ben Cort's super funny tale of how Aliens nick our knickers! More funny reads here

How to Catch a Star - Oliver Jeffers

Grab a copy for yourself!

What would you take to space? - Literacy

Would you like to go to space? Imagine what it would be like. What 10 things would you take with you? Can you write a list of the most important things you would take so you don't forget anything? Remember that each item needs to be written on a new line. You can use the template below or simply write out your list on paper. 

What would you ask an astronaut? - Literacy

Imagine you met a real astronaut. What questions would you like to ask them? I know there are many things I would like to find out about space. 

What do questions begin with? Re-cap with your child the type of words questions begin with i.e. what, when, who, when, why etc...

Can they write down some questions they would like to ask? Remember to write a question mark at the end of your question. Here are some ideas:

Can you see the planet Earth from space?
Can you see the stars twinkling when you are in space?
Have you ever met an alien? 
Is the moon really made of cheese?

A Postcard From Space

Imagine you have just travelled to space in a rocket. What planet have you landed on? What can you see? How do you feel? Can you write a postcard to someone back home to tell them about your trip. Remember you need to write who the postcard is for and who it is from. You can use the template below or simply make your own on a piece of paper.

Here is an example of what you could write:

Dear Mum,

I have had an incredible journey into space. The view was amazing! I am on Mars and everything is all red. I haven't met any aliens yet. Looking forward to telling you all about it when I return on Friday.

Love From

Mrs. Loveluck



This week we are re-capping the sounds in Group 3 of the Jolly Phonics scheme. These are:

g, o, u, l, f, b


Re-cap the sounds with your child and practice forming them correctly. You can use the videos below to re-cap the songs and help with letter formation. 


Watch the 'Spin the wheel' video and see if you can read the words as fast as you can. 


Counting Backwards / Taking Away - Maths

This week in maths we are going to be focusing on counting backwards and taking away. Practice counting backwards from 10 to 0 with your child. You can use the songs below to support this or pretend you are in a rocket counting down for blast off! Once your child is confident at doing this, extend it from 20 to 0 (this is tricky!) Practice at every opportunity as this is an important your child needs to master in order to help with subtraction. You could also ask your child to order numbers on the floor, starting with 10 (or 20) and laying them in order until they get to 0. 


Make some moon rocks (these could be make by simply scrunching up paper or foil) and draw a large moon on a piece of paper. Place 3 rocks on the moon and ask your child 'how many?' If I take 1 away - how many will be left? Encourage your child to count back one to find the answer. To extend this learning you can ask your child to record this number sentence by writing: 


3 - 1 = 2


Repeat the activity with different amounts of moon rocks. Begin with only taking one away but as your child becomes more confident this could increase to taking away 2 or 3. 

Counting Down | Counting Down from 10 | Countdown to Blastoff | Educational Songs | Jack Hartmann

Count to 10 and then count down from 10 to 0. Lyrics Countdown to blastoff Countdown to blastoff Mission control to astronauts Space travel- check Astronauts...

Counting to 10 Forwards and Backwards - ROCKET THEME Song for Children Toddlers Preschool

Counting to 10 forwards and backwards is a fun and easy way to learn how to count 1 to 10. This fun rocket theme will start counting forwards, and then count...

Counting Down From Twenty Song

The Counting Down From Twenty Song by Have Fun Teaching is a counting song that teaches kids how to count down from 20 to 1 by ones. Download the Counting Vi...

Planet Subtraction - Maths

We are going to continue practicing our subtraction for this activity. Below you will find a document with rockets and planets. You can either print these out if you have access to a printer but if not they can be easily made using paper. Maybe your child could help to decorate the planets. 


Lay out the numbered planets on the floor and spread the rockets upside down in the spaces around the planets. Your child will then choose one of the rockets and work out which plant it needs to land on by working out the answer to the subtraction question written on it. 


If you want to make this harder, you can write more challenging subtraction questions on the rockets. 

Subtraction Game

Click on the link below and play the subtraction game. Demonstrate to your child how to read the number sentence. If 9 - 1 = is written explain to your child what the symbols - (take away) and = (equals) means. Can they play the game by clicking on the correct answer?

Big Maths Learn Its

It's that time again to challenge yourself on the Big Maths Learn Its. Just a reminder to play the song and when the music stops your child has 20 seconds to fill in all the answers. If they have all the questions right 3 weeks in a row then they can move onto the next Learn It. I have included the next Learn It (step 2, 3 &4) for those of you who have conquered step 1, 2 &3. 

Big Maths... Beat That. 20 Seconds Version.

Melting Experiment - Knowledge & Understanding

The sun is the biggest star in the sky. We have been enjoying lots of sunshine this week so I thought this experiment would be perfect for us to do. 


You will need:
A cake / muffin tray
Various objects (some that melt and others that don't) These could include - an ice cube, crayon, chocolate, candle, butter, Lego brick, marble, wooden block. 

Place one item in each of the cake sections of the tray. Ask your child to predict which ones they think will melt in the sun. Why? Place the tray in the sun and encourage your child to observe the items throughout the day. Which ones melted and which ones didn't? Can they explain why some melted and others didn't? 

The First Moon Landing - Knowledge & Understanding

During this activity we are going to find out about the first moon landing. Watch the video below and talk to your child about what they can see. Would they like to walk on the moon? 

Can you find out some simple facts about the moon landing? These could include:

What was the name of the first person to walk on the moon? 
What was the name of the rocket?
When did it happen? 
What did the astronauts place on the moon before they left? 


You can record your information by using a mind map, poster, or simply writing them down. 

Neil Armstrong - First Moon Landing 1969

Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." For more news and videos visit ☛ ht...


Look at the painting below called 'Starry Night. It was painted a long time ago by an artist called Van Gogh. Do you enjoy looking up at the stars? What can you see when you do? 


Look carefully at Van Gogh's painting and describe what you can see. What shapes / colours can you see? Can you create your own painting similar to Van Gogh's Starry Night? Maybe you could use paint, chalk or pastels to create your picture. 

Space Challenges

Here are some fun challenges you can do throughout the week based on the theme 'Space'. 


1. Make some delicious space food. Below is the recipe for star biscuits or maybe you could make some special rocket lollies using fruit. The best part will be eating them!


2. Build a space rocket using items you find at home. Can you make your own space rocket? You can be as imaginative as you can using items from home. Remember to ask a grown up if you are allowed to use the items first. I would love to see pictures of these! 


3. Can you make some planets out of play dough? How many have you made? Which one is the biggest / smallest? Below is a recipe for playdough. If you add black food colouring and some glitter and star sequins, your planets will really sparkle! 


4. Can you make a rocket using 2D shapes. Ask your grown up to help you cut out some simple 2D shapes out of paper and arrange them to make a rocket. If you are feeling really clever, you could write the letters of your name on each square part and arrange them to spell your name (see picture below). How many of each shape have you used?
