Home Page

Year 3

Croeso i Dosbarth Usk




Teacher: Mrs Jones





Class Information:


  • Class starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm.


  • Water bottles containing water to be brought in daily with your child’s name clearly labelled.


  • Fruit or vegetable snacks can be brought in for morning breaktime or purchased from the fruit trolley for 30p a day.


  • Reading books to be brought in daily and will be changed as necessary.


  • Spellings are given out  every Friday. Big Maths Challenges are completed in class and sent home to practise on a Monday.


  • PE kits (hyperlink to uniform section) to be worn to school every Wednesday. Ensure kit is appropriate for the weather.


  • Label EVERY item of clothing clearly with your child’s name


If you wish to speak with us please make contact via email or ring 01656 815660.

Ms Rowley (headteacher), Mr Richards (Deputy) and Mrs Farmer (Engagement Officer) are also available on the yard at the beginning and end of the day.


Porthcawl Primary Curriculum:


Year 3




R.V.E.- Business and Social 


World History

Human Geography

Global Goals

Autumn 1- Equality Street

Industrial Revolution (CC, D, R-32)

Cities & Countryside (CC, R 12, 27, D)

No Poverty Goal 1 (CC, R 26 and 27, D)


Ancient History

Physical Geography


Spring 1 – Wild Wales

Celts (CC, R 12 and 28)

Mountains (CC)

Identity and Belonging (CC, R 8, D)


Modern History

Country Study


Summer 1- Before their time

Ancient Egypt (D, R 22)

Egypt (D, R12 22)

The Journey of Life (CC, R 14, D)






Expressive Arts


Living things



Spring  2 – The Circle of Life

Life cycle and photosynthesis (R- 24)

Balanced pizza (D R-26)

Lion King – animals (D R-12 and 29)


Matter and Materials



Autumn 2 – The 3 Rs 

Recycling -changing materials(R-24) 

Bag for Life (R-24)

Recycling Reggae (D R- 29)


Forces and Energy



Summer 2- - Dream Time

Solar system 

Algorithms – Scratch 

Stumpy Brown – Aboriginal (R- 29, D)














Language, Literacy and Communication


Autumn 1

Spring 1

Summer 1

Edward Tulane-Kate DiCamillo

Willy the Wimp-Anthony Browne

Stella and the Seagull-

Georgina Stevens

Range-diary, letter, character description and a story

Range-newspaper report,

diary and persuasive.

Range-persuasive, letters

and a newspaper.

Autumn 2

Spring 2

Summer 2

Edward Tulane-Kate DiCamillo

Willy the Wimp-Anthony Browne

Stella and the Seagull- Georgina Stevens

Range-adventure story, Voice 21 (individual presentation), instructions and persuasive.

Range- fact file, letters, instructions and Voice 21(paired presentation).

Range-explanation, letters and Voice 21(group presentation).

Mathematics and Numeracy


A wide variety of topics are covered including: 



addition and subtraction

multiplication and division.


using scales in weight, length and capacity

beginning to convert between units of measure.



recognise and describe 2D and 3D shapes including simple symmetry.


timetables, calendars.



Number facts, relationships between numbers and times tables are taught through Big Maths.

The Big Maths scheme covers the 4 aspects of numeracy each day. Children are given number facts known as 'Learn its' to help improve recall of addition and multiplication facts which can then also be used for subtraction and division. 
