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Week 2


Remember that the main ways of writing the /ie/ sound are <ie>, <i_e>, <igh> and <y>.
The version of the /ie/ sound that we are focusing on today is the <i_e> spelling which we can call '<i> hop-over <e>'. It's just like the <a_e> sound that you learnt last week!
The 'magic <e>' is back and in these words, it doesn't make a sound either. What it does do is change the short vowel to a long one instead!
See if you can sound out the following words, remembering they will have a long vowel sound and you won't be sounding out the 'magic <e>' at the end!

bike, time, smile, prize, like

What happens when you take the 'magic <e>' away? Does the word change?

Can you write a sentences with at least 3 of these words? Remember you can make your sentences more interesting with adjectives or with connectives such as and, because, but, so, etc.

You can use the flash cards attached below to help play games with or you could make your own!

This week's spellings are - bike, time, smile, prize, like, bone, nose, home, globe and tadpole. Choose 2 or 3 of these a days and spend time practicing them!


The /oa/ sound can be written in different ways such as <oa>, <o_e> and <ow>.
Our new sound, <o_e> can be called '<o> hop-over <e>'. You already know lots about these hopover sounds and the 'magic <e>' works the same, turning the short vowel into a long one!

Can you write the following words, sound them out and then draw a picture to go with them?
bone, nose, home, globe and tadpole.
Once you have finished, choose at least 3 to write in a sentence.

This week's spellings are - bike, time, smile, prize, like, bone, nose, home, globe and tadpole. Choose 2 or 3 of these a days and spend time practicing them!
